05th March, 2025 | By Harjit Gill | Chief Executive Officer for Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) in Singapore.
Harjit Gill, CEO of APACMed, calls for urgent action to close the gender gap in healthcare, emphasising that systemic bias, lack of research, and cultural barriers continue to put women's lives at risk.
Every two minutes, a woman dies from a preventable cause related to pregnancy or childbirth. Over 90% of maternal deaths occur in lower-income nations, and most could have been prevented through better education and healthcare.
Beyond maternal health, gender disparities in healthcare persist in clinical research. They are three times more likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis and four times more likely to have multiple sclerosis compared to men. Lung cancer kills more women annually than breast, ovarian, and uterine cancers combined. Despite these realities, only a small fraction of publicly funded research focuses on female reproductive health.
Bias in healthcare extends to diagnosis and treatment. A study found that women are diagnosed later than men for over 700 diseases. Between 1997 and 2000, 8 out of 10 prescription drugs were withdrawn due to adverse effects on women. Women also face a 29% higher risk of implant failure after hip replacement, as many medical devices are designed for the male anatomy.
Cultural and systemic barriers further exacerbate health disparities. In Asia, where cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women, 37% of surveyed women feel ashamed about screenings, limiting early detection. Addressing these inequities could save millions of lives and add $1 trillion to the global economy by 2040.
Call to action: Healthcare systems and companies must prioritise gender-responsive research, inclusive clinical trials, and medical device innovation. Ensuring equitable healthcare benefits not only women but entire societies, driving economic and social progress.
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