16th May, 2024
Applied Biosystems Axiom BloodGenomiX Array and Software provide a high-throughput solution for more precise blood matching research
image credit- shutterstock
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, has introduced the Applied Biosystems Axiom BloodGenomiX Array and Software, a first-of-its-kind solution for more precise blood genotyping in clinical research.
The new array detects most extended and rare blood groups, tissue (HLA) and platelet (HPA) types in a single, high-throughput assay, supporting future advancements in donor blood matching for extended phenotypes.
The Axiom BloodGenomiX Array covers more than 40 genes and 260 antigens across 38 blood group systems, in addition to HLA and HPA types. It was developed in collaboration with the Blood transfusion Genomics Consortium (BGC), an international partnership of blood services, research institutions and industry leaders that aims to improve the safety and efficacy of blood and platelet transfusion. In a validation study using 14,000 diverse DNA samples from the national blood services of Australia, Canada, England, Finland, the Netherlands, South Africa and the New York Blood Center, the array showed a high level of concordance (99.89%) with participants’ blood group antigen types.
For a complete workflow, the BloodGenomiX Array can be coupled with Applied Biosystems BloodGenomiX Reporter Software and the Applied Biosystems GeneTitan MC Instrument, helping to alleviate pain points with automated analysis, reporting and quality control. The workflow requires minimal hands-on time and can be run by existing lab staff.
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