Kidney Patients Expand Worldwide Impact on Medical Innovations

17th July, 2023

Patient-Led Global Summit on Science, Policy, and Care Choice Drives Optimism

AAKP Executive Director Diana Clynes, Dr. Dominic Raj, Dean Barbara Bass, The Honorable Alex M. Azar II, and AAKP President Edward V. Hickey III (from left to right)

AAKP Executive Director Diana Clynes, Dr. Dominic Raj, Dean Barbara Bass, The Honorable Alex M. Azar II, and AAKP President Edward V. Hickey III (from left to right)

The American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP), the largest independent kidney patient organization in the USA, and its strategic partner, The George Washington University (GW) School of Medicine & Health Sciences (SMHS), hosted their 5th Annual Global Summit on Kidney Disease Innovationson June 28-29, 2023. The Global Summit encourages participants to collaborate to advance science and medical innovation, advocate for more common-sense regulatory and payment policies, and to remove barriers to new life-saving treatments and cures. AAKP believes patients have a valid and rightful voice in the medical and policy decisions that impact their lives.

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