SMT gains classification in the Italian National CONSIP tender

08th August, 2024

To supply TAVI devices in all Italian hospitals

image credit- shutterstock

image credit- shutterstock

Sahajanand Medical Technologies announced its classification in the Italian national CONSIP 2-year tender to supply its state-of-the-art Hydra Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI) devices to all hospitals across Italy.

The Hydra TAVI device, an innovative and highly deliverable aortic valve with optimal radial strength and supra-annular valve positioning, is now available for procurement by all National Health Service (NHS) hospitals in Italy. This classification ensures that Italian healthcare providers have access to advanced solutions for treating aortic stenosis, thereby improving patient outcomes and operational efficiencies.

Gaurav Goel, Global Head of the Structural Heart Division at SMT, said, “This opportunity allows us to partner with healthcare providers across Italy to deliver lifesaving solutions and enhance the standard of care for patients with aortic stenosis. SMT remains committed to innovation and excellence in the field of structural heart disease.”

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