12th August, 2024
A breakthrough solution for arthroscopic treatment of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears
Stryker announced the launch of InSpace, the first balloon implant for arthroscopic treatment of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears (MIRCTs), in India.
MIRCTs are one of the most common causes of shoulder dysfunction. InSpace provides a new option for surgeons in their shoulder continuum of care that allows them to better meet the needs of their patients. The InSpace balloon implant is designed to restore the subacromial space without requiring sutures or fixation devices and has been demonstrated to improve shoulder motion and function. InSpace is designed to offer a new, minimally invasive surgical option for surgeons, addressing their unmet needs in MIRCT and potentially providing early functional recovery and pain relief for patients.
The InSpace subacromial tissue spacer system is indicated for the treatment of patients with massive, irreparable full-thickness torn rotator cuff tendons due to trauma or degradation with mild to moderate gleno-humeral osteoarthritis in patients greater than or equal to 65 years of age whose clinical conditions would benefit from treatment with a shorter surgical time compared to partial rotator cuff repair.
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