Wipro GE Healthcare installs advanced imaging equipment at TMC for brain surgeries

04th June, 2024

First installation of an advanced intraoperative ultrasound system in the country

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The neurosurgery department at Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), Mumbai, recently procured a state-of-the art intraoperative ultrasound (iUS) machine, by Wipro GE Healthcare, for performing complex brain tumour surgeries.

iUS is cost -efficient and with appropriate training, can become an important adjunct in the neurosurgeon’s armamentarium. The bKActiv machine, which was recently acquired by the department is the first installation of this advanced iUS system in the country.

Intraoperative imaging is crucial for safely and accurately removing intrinsic brain tumours. Combined with navigational aids (which is like a surgical GPS system), the iUS machine allows neurosurgeons to precisely track tumour remnants. Further, when combined with brain mapping techniques like awake surgery, they enable removal of tumours radically, even near critical functioning brain regions. 

Dr Aliasgar Moiyadi, Chief of Neurosurgery, Tata Memorial Centre believes this advanced tool is likely to help his team and benefit the large number of brain tumour patients operated at the centre, many of whom are unable to access state-of-the-art care at subsidised rates elsewhere.

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