14th May, 2024
High-definition imaging and improved suction & flexibility during procedures
Olympus, a global medical technology company, has announced the launch of two bronchoscopes as part of the EVIS X1 Endoscopy System. The EVIS X1 Endoscopy System represents the latest in diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy from Olympus.
Designed with high-definition imaging, the two bronchoscopes offer physicians a slim outer diameter when compared to predecessors, allowing access to more distal airways. Improved suction and flexibility during procedures, combined with the ability to pass a wide array of diagnostic and therapeutic devices through large working channels, provides physicians with options to successfully address the tracheal bronchial tree.
The imaging technologies, available with both bronchoscopes, include Brightness Adjustment Imaging with Maintenance of Contrast (BAI-MAC) technology, Texture and Color Enhancement Imaging (TXI) technology, Red Dichromatic Imaging (RDI) technology, Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) technology. TXI, RDI, BAI-MAC and NBI technologies are not intended to replace histopathological sampling as a means of diagnosis. These are adjunctive tools for endoscopic examination that can be used to supplement Olympus white light imaging.
The imaging technologies provide physicians to navigate factors like correcting the brightness levels in dark areas of the endoscopic image, increase the total distance view, increase the visibility of potentially suspicious lesions and mucosal abnormalities by enhancing image color and texture during endoscopic screening. (RDI) technology is designed to enhance the visibility of deep blood vessels and bleeding points. NBI technology enhances visual observation of mucosal and vascular patterns by utilizing specific blue and green wavelengths absorbed by hemoglobin, enhancing visualization of the capillary network and mucosal morphology.
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