22nd April, 2024
Neurology team at Fortis Hospital Bengaluru becomes the first to use this technology for DBS therapy in Parkinson’s patients
India Medtronic, a wholly owned subsidiary of Medtronic plc has announced the launch of India’s first NeuroSmart Portable Micro Electrode Recording (MER) Navigation system for Parkinson’s treatment.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a treatment for symptoms of Parkinson's disease, including tremors, stiffness, and difficulty walking. DBS is a therapy in which a small pacemaker-like device sends electrical signals through very thin wires, known as ‘leads’, to a targeted area in the brain related to the symptoms. Advanced DBS implants are designed to capture brain signals using the implanted DBS system. The NeuroSmart Portable MER Navigation system revolutionises DBS (Deep Brain Stimulation) therapy by enhancing precision during surgery.
The NeuroSmart Portable MER Navigation system, developed by Alpha Omega Engineering, is a groundbreaking treatment for neurological and psychiatric diseases. Featuring advanced neurophysiological navigation mapping, it enables accurate electrode placement while recording neural activity. Its advanced capabilities for enhanced target localisation, based on HaGuide automatic navigation, help identify the most effective target for the patient, ensuring optimum symptom relief.
The Neurology team at Fortis Hospital, Bengaluru, comprising of Dr Raghuram G, Additional Director Neurosurgery and Dr Guruprasad Hosurkar, Additional Director Neurology, became the first to use this technology for Parkinson’s patients. The case in point was a 68-year-old patient who had been suffering from Parkinson’s for over a decade. The condition led to restrictions in movement, causing challenges in performing daily chores. It also became challenging for the patient’s family to take care of him. While initially medications provided relief, over time these became ineffective, calling for alternative management options. With the implications of new advancement in NeuroSmart, doctors were able to identify the right target that was stimulated to manage this patients’ uncontrolled symptoms with minimal side effects.
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