23rd August, 2022
Screening devices and cutting-edge machines will be installed
Paras Healthcare has signed a partnership agreement with Fujifilm India. As part of the partnership, Fujifilm India will provide innovative medical and screening devices by installing its cutting-edge machines at the Hospitals of Paras Healthcare.
Under the agreement, Fujifilm will supply a wide range of high-end and sophisticated medical devices including AI-based machines to the network of hospitals run by Paras Healthcare. The healthcare departments at different Paras Hospitals which are particularly likely to benefit from this collaboration are Healthcare IT, Radiology devices like X-ray Imaging Devices, Ultrasound Systems, MRI & CT, Endoscopy, specialised In-vitro diagnostics, among others. Fujifilm India will be installing its Artificial Intelligence modules of medical imaging, 128 slice cardiac CT, 1.5 T MRI, 32 Slice CT, Full-Field Digital Mammography (FFDM), Smart X, Arietta 65, EUS EBUS system, Video endoscope, Mobile DR, etc at the hospitals of Paras Healthcare, and with these new and innovative medical devices, Fujifilm India is supporting the vision of making India a healthier country.
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