Elevating Nursing as a Prestigious Career Choice

08th August, 2023 | By Alok Kumar, Principal Secretary, Medical Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh 

It is crucial to promote a more comprehensive understanding of the vital role that nursing professionals play in healthcare

The nursing profession plays a crucial role in the healthcare system, yet it often faces a lack of importance and recognition in India. The lack of importance accorded to nursing professionals can stem from several factors, including societal perceptions, historical biases, and systemic issues within the healthcare industry. Elaborating on these will give us a deeper understanding of what ails and what needs to be done. 

Historical perception: Nursing has traditionally been viewed as a subordinate role in healthcare, primarily associated with women's caregiving duties. This historical perception may have contributed to undervaluing the importance of nursing professionals.

Gender bias: Nursing is a predominantly female-dominated profession. Gender biases and stereotypes can influence the perceived value and status of nursing, leading to its underappreciation compared to other healthcare professions.

Lack of awareness: Many people may not fully understand the breadth and depth of the nursing profession. The complex responsibilities and specialised skills of nurses, including patient care, critical thinking, and decision-making, might not be widely recognised or acknowledged.

Hierarchical healthcare culture: In some healthcare settings, there can be a hierarchical culture that places physicians and other healthcare professionals in higher esteem than nursing professionals. This can result in an imbalance of power and influence within the healthcare team, diminishing the recognition of nursing professionals.

Insufficient representation: Nursing professionals may be underrepresented in decision-making positions and leadership roles within healthcare organisations. This lack of representation can contribute to the marginalisation of nursing and a reduced emphasis on their importance.

Limited advocacy and visibility: Compared to other healthcare professions, nursing may face challenges in advocating for their value and contributions. Insufficient visibility and advocacy efforts can lead to a diminished perception of nursing professionals.

It is crucial to address these issues and promote a more comprehensive understanding of the vital role that nursing professionals play in healthcare. Recognising and valuing their skills, expertise, and contributions can lead to improved support, resources, and opportunities for professional growth within the nursing profession. It will also promote a better understanding of the nursing profession among potential applicants across the country, several steps can be introduced including campaigns and collaborations. In fact, Mission Niramaya is actively engaged in uplifting the nursing education in Uttar Pradesh which also involves shifting perception about these cadres. 

Enhancing public perception: Through collaborating with media outlets to portray nurses in a positive light and highlight their contributions to healthcare can involve featuring stories of nurses who have made a significant impact, showcasing their skills and dedication, and debunking stereotypes associated with the profession; or launching awareness campaigns and community outreach programmes could be a significant part of shifting perceptions about them.

  1. Awareness Campaigns: Launching nationwide awareness campaigns that highlight the significance of the nursing profession, the diverse career opportunities it offers, and the impact nurses have on patient care. It is also important to shift their portrayal from meek side-player to people who are in positions of power and active decision makers. For instance, in a hospital setting, a nurse must be shown as someone who has an equal say in decision making when it comes to patient protocols as well as in key aspects of hospital management itself. This will bring them to the centre stage in conversation about healthcare and they will no longer be relegated to sidelines to surface only during tough times such as pandemics. These campaigns can utilise various media channels, such as television, radio, social media, films, and print, to reach a wide audience. 
  2. Community Engagement: Encourage nursing professionals to actively engage with their local communities through health camps, awareness campaigns, and volunteer work. This can help raise awareness about the important role of nurses in promoting health and well-being. Conducting health check-up camps in schools and communities, where nurses can showcase their skills and provide basic healthcare services. This can help students and community members gain firsthand experience of the value that nursing professionals bring to healthcare. This will also help them to see the active role that nurses play in healthcare delivery through the care continuum.
  3. Utilise Digital Platforms: Leverage social media platforms, websites, and online forums to provide accessible information about nursing careers. Develop informative videos, testimonials, and success stories that highlight the impact of nursing professionals in diverse healthcare settings. Creating online platforms or blogs where nursing professionals can share their experiences, challenges, and achievements. This can inspire potential applicants and provide them with a deeper understanding of the profession.
  4. Collaboration with Media: Collaborate with media organisations to promote positive narratives and stories about nursing professionals. Encourage the portrayal of nurses as competent, compassionate, and integral members of the healthcare team who have positions of power and decision making. For example, featuring articles, interviews, and documentaries that highlight the critical role of nurses in patient care and their contributions to the healthcare system, as also shift their portrayal in films and television serials. Typically, they are depicted in roles that are second fiddle to the decision makers and often support hierarchical norms. Placing them as pioneers, who chalk out new paths and are active decision makers can help change public perceptions and increase the appreciation for nursing professionals.
  5. Educational Outreach: Collaborating with educational institutions, particularly schools and colleges, to incorporate nursing awareness programmes into their curriculum. This can include interactive sessions, workshops, and career guidance programmes that provide students with comprehensive information about nursing as a profession. It can also include meets with acclaimed nursing leaders who could share their own journey of success. This can help dispel misconceptions and provide valuable insights into the profession. 
  6. Collaboration with Nursing Associations: Collaborate with nursing associations and professional bodies to develop outreach programmes. These programmes can involve nurses visiting schools and colleges to share their knowledge, provide hands-on demonstrations, and engage students in discussions about the nursing profession. For instance, organising panel discussions or career fairs where nursing professionals from different specialties can interact with potential applicants, answer their questions, and provide guidance on educational pathways and career prospects. 
  7. Role Models and Mentors: Encouraging experienced and successful nurses to serve as role models and mentors for aspiring nursing professionals. Establishing mentorship programmes where students can interact with practising nurses, gain insights into their experiences, and receive guidance and support throughout their educational journey. 
  8. Industry Collaboration: Strengthening partnerships between schools, nursing institutions and healthcare organisations to provide more practical training opportunities, and internships. This collaboration can help bridge the gap between education and practice, demonstrating the real-world value of nursing skills and expertise, and will inject an early interest in students towards this profession. 
  9. Research and Innovation: Encouraging nursing professionals to actively engage in research, innovation, and evidence-based practice. Promoting the publication of nursing research studies, participation in conferences, and recognition of nursing-led initiatives can elevate the profession's status and attract individuals who value intellectual growth and innovation. These researches could be incorporated in school curricula, and showcased via media reports, and public recognition platforms.

By implementing these steps, we can foster a greater understanding of the nursing profession among potential applicants across India. This, in turn, will help attract more talented individuals to pursue nursing careers, enhance the overall quality of healthcare services, and ensure a well-trained and competent nursing workforce to meet the evolving healthcare needs of the country.


Alok Kumar, Principal Secretary, Medical Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh

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