26th July, 2024
Enhancing the safety, efficiency, and outcomes of kidney stone treatment
image credit- shutterstock
OmniGuide Holdings announced the successful completion of a groundbreaking patient study for its innovative iSTONE software, a laser-guided system designed for real-time automatic target identification in endoscopic stone lithotripsy. This advancement marks a significant milestone in the treatment of urolithiasis, promising a new era of precision and safety in kidney stone management.
The novel optical feedback technology at the heart of iSTONE has demonstrated a significant reduction in energy required during lithotripsy procedures in a porcine animal model, thereby minimizing the heat load and potential temperature increase in the kidney. This innovation not only preserves the integrity of the organ but also protects it from permanent postoperative damage.
The results from the animal study show the potential for a reduction of over fifty percent in the energy applied and the risk of kidney damage compared to the traditional Gold Standard Holmium Therapy. The findings from the patient study will be unveiled in the forthcoming months.
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