Midmark launches two new multiparameter monitors

16th February, 2024 | By Vrushti Kothari 

Integrated features support safer, more efficient anaesthesia care

Midmark Corp., a leading animal health solutions provider dedicated to creating animal care environments that enhance care delivery, efficiency and safety, announced the launch of new Midmark Multiparameter Monitors. Leveraging decades of clinical experience responding to common anesthetic issues, the new Multiparameter Monitors are designed with integrated safety features and user-friendly capabilities to help veterinary care teams navigate anesthetic procedures more efficiently.

"Making quick and informed decisions is crucial for clinicians when protecting and treating their patients under anesthesia," said Crissy Treon, marketing director, Midmark Animal Health. “Designing animal care solutions that promote safety, efficiency and positive patient outcomes is always a priority for Midmark.”

“We also recognize that veterinary teams need flexibility, so in addition to offering a standard twelve-inch monitor, we are introducing a compact, portable eight-inch model that can easily be moved to wherever it is most needed for patient care.”

Key features in the new Midmark Multiparameter Monitors:

Best-Practice Reminders promote safe and consistent procedures with a built-in pre-procedure checklist, CO2 soda lime absorbent reminder and NIBP best practices guide.

ECG and CO2 Catalogs match abnormal waveforms to patterns of common anesthetic occurrences, eliminating guesswork and supporting confident decisions.

Enhanced Blood Pressure Features capture reliable readings with Cardell BP technology, including veterinary-specific algorithms that are validated as accurate for anesthetized cats and dogs in peer-reviewed studies.

 Alarm Center for managing physiological and technical alarms and Troubleshooting Guide for managing technical alarms.

Customizable User Displays save user-preferred alarm and display settings.

Each monitor purchase includes the proper accessories to support full anesthesia monitoring capability: blood pressure cuffs, probes, sensors and connecting cables appropriate for the chosen parameters. Accessories have been carefully selected to promote optimum performance for veterinary applications.

Midmark Multiparameter Monitors are currently available.

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