AiM Medical Robotics set to validate surgical robot for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's patients

21st May, 2024

First human MRI-guided clinical study for image-guided stereotactic neurosurgery

US-based AiM Medical Robotics Inc., developer of MRI-compatible intraoperative robotics for neurosurgery and other applications, has announced a collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and the Surgical Navigation and Robotics (SNR) Lab at Harvard to validate their cutting-edge robot for deep brain stimulation in Parkinson's patients.

The study will take place in BWH's Advanced Multimodality Image-Guided Operating (AMIGO) Suite, a state-of-the-art clinical research facility. AiM has reported a successful cadaver trial, demonstrating precise delivery of bilateral DBS leads using real-time MRI guidance.

It has been reported that 34% of deep brain stimulation lead placements require another surgery for removal or revision, largely due to missing the intended anatomical targets in the brain.

AiM's pioneering compact, MRI-compatible surgical robot facilitates intelligent intraoperative surgical planning and guidance through real-time soft tissue imaging. This innovative technology is crucial for tackling the issue of brain shift which often leads to inconsistent and suboptimal outcomes in many procedures, as the target moves relative to the skull during surgery.

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