February is Heart Health Month: Blue Shield of California Offers Resources to Prioritize Heart Health All Year Long

15th February, 2024 | By Vrushti Kothari 

Blue Shield's Dr. Tosha Lara-Larios shares tips for preventing and managing heart disease

Each February marks Heart Health Month, which serves as an opportunity to raise awareness about heart disease and the importance of cardiovascular health. Heart disease is currently the leading cause of death in California and across the nation, and Blue Shield of California is joining the effort to encourage the adoption of heart-healthy practices throughout the year.

Dr. Tosha Lara-Larios, D.O., vice president, chief medical officer and medical director of Medical Management and Accreditation (interim) at Blue Shield of California, emphasizes the importance of prioritizing cardiovascular health through prevention tips, as well as dedicated programs available to Blue Shield members. She shares that women are at particularly high risk due to unrecognized or under recognized symptoms and risk factors.

"Whenever a woman hears the term 'heart disease,' no woman thinks that refers to them, especially if they don't have glaring risk factors," Dr. Lara-Larios said. "But it is the No. 1 killer of women. That means our wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, best friends — the women we love most — may not be aware."

"We should all focus on nurturing healthy hearts year-round. By incorporating small yet significant changes into daily routines, we can embrace the precious gift of heart health and strive to safeguard it every day," she added.

Tips on how to maintain your cardiovascular health from Dr. Lara-Larios:

  • Nourish your heart with a balanced diet. Opt for a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. Limit intake of processed foods, saturated and trans fats, and excessive sodium.
  • Exercise regularly. Engage in physical activity for at least 150 minutes a week (aim for about 20-30 minutes a day). Incorporate cardio exercises like walking, running, cycling or swimming to strengthen your heart.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Strive to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking damages blood vessels and increases the risk of heart disease, so seek support and resources to quit smoking. Blue Shield offers two programs, available at no additional cost to most members, through its Wellvolution platform: EX Program and QuitSmart Mindfully, offered both in English and Spanish.
  • Manage stress. Chronic stress can impact heart health. Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or mindfulness to alleviate stress. Blue Shield offers Headspace to help with these practices, through its Wellvolution platform.

Heart health resources and programs for Blue Shield members:

  • Blue Shield reading resources
    • The ABC's of heart disease and diabetes  
    • Blue Distinction Centers for Cardiac Care
  • Lifestyle Medicine programs
    • Ornish Lifestyle Medicine: Treat and even reverse heart disease with this virtual nine-week intensive cardiac rehab program.
    • Wellvolution: Blue Shield's on-demand digital and in-person lifestyle platform which offers programs to support heart-healthy behaviors like quitting smoking, supporting healthy eating and exercise, and managing stress. Available in both English and Spanish.
      • Quit smoking with EX Program and QuitSmart Mindfully
      • Treat hypertension with Dario
      • Reduce stress with Headspace  

The company has contributed more than $97 million to Blue Shield of California Foundation in the last three years to have an impact on California communities.

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